Monday, April 18, 2011

CVS Deals April 17-23

CVS Deals April 17-23

Cheerios BOGO  coupon here:
Best Foods Mayonnaise BOGO Look for coupon in Sunday Paper 4/17
Kraft Parmesean Cheese $2.99
Lindsay Olives .88 per can
Rice A Roni .88 per box
Stove Top Stuffing .88 per box
Energy Smart Light Bulbs .99
Clorox Bleach $1.69

Green Tag Bag .99 per bag get .99 back in ECB's so it's like getting it for free.  Every four times you use this bag instead of accepting a plastic bag, they credit you .25

Monday, April 11, 2011

Easter Candy at Rite Aid $8.41

  I purchased all this at Rite Aid last night for an out of pocket cost of 8.41.  Anyone know a good dentist? j/k  We sure do drink alot of milk.  I had several coupons, some of them were Rite Aid Ad-Perk Coupons that you earn online, some were manufacturers coupons, some credits came from the $3 off a $15 purchase I received for answering the survey on my last receipt and I had $7 in +up$.  The pre-coupon price for the sale items was $22.94.  It would have been 33.81 if regularly priced....if my math is correct. In any case, thats alot of candy for under ten dollars.